Thursday, October 9, 2008

Youtube reads back your comments

Well the guys at Google have done it again.. what am i talking about? well now you can actually have all your youtube comments read back to you before posting them.. a kind of stupidity check.. Coming on heels of of drunken test on gmail (details) which i thought was pretty lame.. this one really gets full marks in my books.. Its inspired by this xkcd cartoon. Just another example that googles the best when it comes to innovation..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have tried contacting youtube to suggest what I think would be a very useful improvement.

I've noticed that controversial videos get ratings that tend to love/hate and nothing in between. Yet this shows up as average/mediocre when they average the ratings.

There should be a small histogram showing when there are two towers in the "1" and "5" extremes. There is space for this next to the ratings area.

There can also be a special "controversial" rating based on a simple statistical analysis of this ratings data, and people could specifically search "controversial" videos.

This would help undermine the "hater" oppression of free speech, perhaps even better than reading their comments back to them...

After searching youtube's help pages for a way to contact them, for much, much longer than was reasonable, I simply wrote a lot of likely email addresses and have no idea if any of them hit home; at least some bounced. No reply.

